Face Recognition Flutter SDK
Face recognition Flutter SDK with liveness detection
Last updated
Face recognition Flutter SDK with liveness detection
Last updated
You can skip this section if you have already installed Flutter environment.
Please refer to this document to setup Flutter Environment.
Android App
iOS App
Please refer to this document for detailed instructions
1.1 Face SDK Setup
Copy the SDK (libfacesdk
folder) to the android
folder of your project.
Add SDK to the project in settings.gradle
1.2 `FaceSDK Plugin` Setup
Copy facesdk_plugin
folder to the root folder of your project.
Add the dependency in pubspec.yaml
Import the facesdk_plugin
2.1 FaceSDKModule
Activate FaceSDK
Initialize FaceSDK
Set parameters
Extract face images
Calculate similarity between faces
2.2 FaceRecognitionSdkView
To deal with native camera screen and face detection, please refer to this.